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What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that uses oils known as essential oils. These oils have been extracted from different parts of plants such as rose, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood, ginger and name but a few! The essential oils contain many of the plants' therapeutic qualities, but in a much more concentrated form. 

There are many ways of using aromatherapy, one of the most popular being through massage. During a massage, the aromatherapist, together with the client, will choose a selection of essential oils, which the aromatherapist will then dilute in a carrier oil and use to massage the body. An aromatherapy massage can be incredibly relaxing as it brings together the benefits of both the aromatherapy and the massage.

Other ways of using aromatherapy include inhalation, through the use of diffusers for example, adding essential oils to baths, making an essential oils compress or by adding essential oils to creams, lotions etc. An aromatherapist might make a certain product or blend for a client as well as advising the client on these methods and of safe use of the essential oils. 

Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy which means that it looks at the person as a whole and aims to treat the whole person...the mind, the body and the spirit! Many people find aromatherapy beneficial for stress - related ailments such as ailments such as insomnia, headaches and anxiety.

Aromatherapy: Text
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